! 00 Infinite Graphic II – UI Minification Mod

! 00 Infinite Graphic II – UI Minification Mod

Infinite Stellaris Graphic Pack II – UI Minification
å°ä¼žç¾ŽåŒ–包II – æžç®€åŒ–UI

<The infinite graphic pack is determined to collect high-quality art materials and integrate them into one mod to optimize performance.>

å°ä¼žç¾ŽåŒ–包系列/ Infinite Graphic Collection

关于简化UI/About simplified UI

— I have been looking for a suitable UI simplification mod, but the existing UI simplification mods are either overly simplified and lack the necessary information, or the icons are crudely fabricated, so I merged the features of the existing simplified UI mod and redo all the icons, adjusted Clarity, transparency and size make it look more perfect.
— 一直以æ¥æˆ‘都在寻找一个åˆé€‚çš„UI简化mod, 但是现存的UI简化类modè¦ä¹ˆè¿‡åº¦ç®€åŒ–缺少必è¦ä¿¡æ¯, è¦ä¹ˆå›¾æ ‡ç²—制滥造, 所以我èžåˆäº†å·²å­˜çš„简化UI的特点并é‡åšäº†å…¨éƒ¨å›¾æ ‡, 调整了清晰度, é€æ˜Žåº¦å’Œå°ºå¯¸ä½¿ä¹‹çœ‹èµ·æ¥æ›´åŠ å®Œç¾Ž.


-This mod is the second part of the Infinite Graphic, which focuses on beautifying the game UI
-Incorporated the features of the following two mods <incompatible with them, do not use together>, and reworked all UI art materials

-Please see the description images for details

-本mod是å°ä¼žç¾ŽåŒ–包的第二部分, 以美化游æˆUI为核心
-èžåˆäº†ä¸‹é¢ä¸¤ä¸ªmod的特点<与它们ä¸å…¼å®¹, ä¸è¦å…±ç”¨>, 并é‡åšäº†å…¨éƒ¨UI美术素æ


无尽群星核心框架, 内涵mod设置快æ·é¢æ¿ä¸Žå¤§é‡å¢žåŠ æ¸¸æˆæ€§çš„原创内容
Infinite Stellaris framework, mod setting panel and original contents to enhance gameplay

超级天ç¾ç®¡ç†å™¨ä¸Žå¤©ç¾æ‹“展, 让天ç¾æ›´æœ‰è¶£æ›´å¼ºå¤§
Supreme crisis manger and crisis expansion to make crisis more challenging and funny.

Universal late game speed Optimization.

这个modå¯ä»¥ç»Ÿè®¡å„ç§æ¸¸æˆæ•°æ®, 用于debug和优化å‚考
This mod does game data statistics, give you reference for optimization and debug

这个mod改å˜äº†å·¥ä½œæ£€æµ‹æœºåˆ¶, æå‡åŽæœŸé€Ÿåº¦, å‡å°‘失业
This mod changes job checking mechanics and bosst game

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What is Stellaris mods?

A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e.g. the way it looks or behaves) of a video game. Mods may range from small changes and simple tweaks to completely new games made within a video game. Games running on a personal computer are often designed with change in mind, allowing modern PC games to be modified by gamers without much difficulty. Don't wait and try Stellaris mods right now.

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