Various Servant Add-on Mod
Various Servant Add-on Mod
This is a add-on mod of mod.
load order:
Various Servant Job
Various Livestock Job (If you use)
Various Servant Add-on (This mod)
Now Domestic Slaves can have Social Welfare or Chemical Bliss Living Standards.
Add a new civic: Slave-Spouse
-Maid jobs also produce Pop Growth Speed. (except Robot Maid)
Add a new trait: Sexual Attraction
-Increases amenities from Reproductive Slave jobs.
-Opinion +50 to other empires if species of current ruler have this trait. (Similar to Charismatic trait before 2.2 patch)
-Incompatible with Repugnant trait. (Can be added with Charismatic trait.)
Add a new decision: Spray Aphrodisiac
-Add the “Atmospheric Aphrodisiac” modifier.
Randomized AI empire cannot have mod civic or mod trait and will not use mod decision.
You are free to copy, redistribute, remix and transform this mod.