Category: Gameplay Stellaris Mods


End Truce & Close Borders

End Truce & Close Borders: I’ve had it with enemy construction ships being allowed through my territory after a war and then blobbing where they have no right to be. I wanted to just...


Hands of State (3.1)

A small collection of additional governor traits AccountantThis leader is a number cruncher who can squeeze energy credits out of a rock.Energy Output From Jobs: +5%Trade Value: + 10%Pop Happiness: -5% ConciliatorThis leader knows...


Banned! (3.1)

When suppressing a faction just ain’t good enough This mod adds the ability to ban factions that aren’t supporters of your government ethos. For example, a militarist government cannot ban the militarist faction. You...


! Dark Blue UI – Synth Icons !

Neon fluorescent, stroked, translucent game icons styleSupport most popular mods that add new civics and ethics If the rate is high enough, the trait icons will be added as well Sorting: Try to go...


Kemono Friends Species

该MODä¸æ”¯æŒæˆå°±This mod doesn’t support achievements部分ç§æ—MODå¯èƒ½ä¼šå¯¼è‡´è¯¥MOD的立绘å离中心,该问题目å‰æœªæ‰¾åˆ°ä¿®å¤æ–¹æ³•Portraits may deviate from middle because of some species mods, didn’t find any way to fix this yet—————————————————————————————————-该Mod基于licy18çš„Kemono Friends Species Extend Mod 将原有替æ¢æŽ‰äººå½¢ç”Ÿç‰©çš„æ–¹å¼æ”¹ä¸ºæ·»åŠ ä¸€ä¸ªæ–°ç‰©ç§Kemono 添加490åªFriends的立绘(原有立绘全部é‡åˆ¶,头åƒç½®ä¸­,图åƒæ¥æºä¸ºå…½å¨˜åŠ¨ç‰©å›­è‹±æ–‡WIKI)添加2首兽娘动物园主题BGM添加6张读å–ç•Œé¢æ’图添加1个åˆå§‹æ˜Ÿç³»ä¾ç…§Friendsçš„ç§å±žå¯¹å¤–交界é¢çš„问候音进行了细化(éžçŽ©å®¶æ“控时和AI的兽娘文明进行外交时会有问候音) 欢迎æ建议åŠæ±‡æŠ¥BUG.(ç›®å‰æœªå‘现) This Mod is based on...


Traditional Thinking (3.1)

New Tradition Tree ChoicesThis mod provides eight additional tradition trees, each restricted to particular ethics. Compassion – PacifistsCulturalism – XenophilesDiscipline – AuthoritariansIntrospection – SpiritualistsProwess – MilitaristsRealism – MaterialistsSecurity – XenophobesSelf-determination – Egalitarians Not ironpants...