Birch World Rebalance Mod

Birch World Rebalance Mod
The Birch World added by Gigastructual Engineering is awesome. It’s somewhat unbalanced in jobs and amenities, though. Due to the way the Structure and Extraction Operations work, you rapidly end up with 100’s of jobs that can never be filled. Also amenities are somewhat difficult to maintain; nearly impossible for Machine Empires.
This mod fixes both. Birch world inhabitants will always have enough housing and amenities. Also, districts have been adjusted so that every 100 pops provides 100 jobs; so long as you have both Structure and Extraction Ops and build new Insula as they become available. You’ll have extra jobs from buildings, but it’s no longer a runaway process.
Notable aspects
:Extraction Ops provides the same amount of resources as before, though with about a third of the jobs and no longer spread out every 50 pops. Overall it’s definitely stronger than before, though that’s mostly because you can properly hire other job types as well.
Job weights and strata have been adjusted. Insula Construction Managers should now be filled first, and the other job creators have been made specialists and given higher priority. Less micromanagement will be needed.
Rogue Servitors will still have job runaway if hosting Bio-Trophy’s on the Birch World. This is unavoidable without kneecapping them, so bear it in mind.
Enough enforcers/hunter-seekers are provided to keep crime negative.
The Birch World is (nearly) entirely self-sufficient without any buildings. Some playstyles have slightly less food than needed, some slightly less bureaucrats. These discrepancies will only start showing themselves at several hundred pops and above, and are practically irrelevant due to how easy it is to buy food or ignore empire sprawl.
Those using the Birch World Start mod should find it vastly easier to manage; you might need to buy most of your food on the market for a while but that’s about it.
Load after Gigastructural Engineering. If using Birch World Origin, also load after it.
Other remarks
All of this assumes you build Insula Ktisma and Insula Physma in a 1:1 ratio. Untested on using a different balance. If you do build more of one than the other, Insula Ktisma are more important.
Elowiny and team have permission to incorporate this mod into the main if they want; after all this only exists due to their excellent work.