Category: Game Mechanics Stellaris Mods


Better Pre-FTL Art Mod

Welcome to Better Pre-FTL Art! A while back, I saw this really neat image of primitve eras on the Stellaris wiki () and was like, why aren’t those used for Pre-FTL species? So I...


Gowps’s Stellaris Tweaks Mod

This mod tweaks and changes various aspects of Stellaris. Tweaks: Tradition Cost is slightly decreased overall, by about 25%, and the exponential cost modifier is reduced from 1.7 to 1.6.The effects of empire sprawl...


Gowps’s Planetary Expansion Mod

Planetary Expansion adds 4 new Decisions to the game, allowing you to expand your planet in different ways. Cities in the Sky increases Districts and Energy Production.Downward Expansion increases Districts and Minerals Production.Verticalised Farming...


Gowps’s Handful of Techs Mod

A variety of “Vanilla+” techs are added to the game, allowing for slight boosts and increases in a variety of fields. This includes normal techs, and repeatable techs.A full list of techs can be...


Gowps’s Additional Traits Mod

This mod currently adds 44 new traits to the game. With the exception of two special photosynthetis related traits, these serve as either more or less powerful versions of vanilla traits – for example...