Advanced Sol (25-tile Earth) Stellaris
25-tile Earth and 25-tile habitat version of the Advanced Sol mod.
25-tile Earth and 25-tile habitat version of the Advanced Sol mod.
This little Mod is designed to buff government ethics attraction. Base Attraction 0 (up from vanilla -0.15) Sector modifier 0 (up from vanilla -0.10) In an unmodded installation your people automatically drift away from...
Have you ever felt like the race creation options in Stellaris were a bit limited? I did, especially coming from the expansive race creation systems in previous 4x games like Master of Orion 2....
A reuploaded version of Mycles’s Increased Leader Skill Cap mod, updated to work with patch 1.3.0 and beyond. Leaders will have silver stars at skill levels 1 through 5, and gold stars from skill...
Ready for 1.6.1 This mod starts new empires with two free tradition picks. Playing a game with a group of friends, the question came up of why our empires didn’t start with any traditions...
Ever decided to try and completely master your species’ genome? Years upon years of research and genetic trials, mapping every single facet of the building blocks of life. Then, at the end of it...