Category: Graphics Stellaris Mods


Dedicated Worlds For Mod

Have you ever wanted to focus your planets? Create an Agri World to feed your people, a Fortress World on the edge of your space or a planet-wide city? This mod provides several types...


UI Blue Theme Stellaris

This is the ui blue theme standalone mod from my main mod Mass Effect Theme Pack. It’s replacing Stellaris green color. I have replaced here my homemade menu background which was related to mass...


Mobile Interdictors Mod

A lightweight mod that adds one thing: A mobile subspace snare The device itself is a Cruiser-only Aux slot item. It’s intended to be fairly expensive item as you’ll realistically only need one per...


Dark Mammalian Shipsets Mod

The Dark Mammalian Shipsets mod adds 12 new, dark Mammalian ship appearance types to the game, each equipped with appropriately color coordinated engines, lights, and forcefields. These new ship appearances will only be useable...