[Star Citizen] UEE Emblem For Mod
This is a simple mod that contains two versions of the United Empire of Earth’s emblem from Star Citizen.
This is a simple mod that contains two versions of the United Empire of Earth’s emblem from Star Citizen.
-> Ironman Achievement Not Compatible 2 Destroyer 2 > 4 Cruiser 4 > 8 Battleship 8 > 16 Transport 1 > 2 Event/Anomaly ships x2 etc.. Ship Maintenance Multiplier, Percentage of the cost of...
Just changes the resource icons to each be unique so you can tell them apart at a glance. Only changes dds files so should be compatible with any other mod, and any version as...
“Tiny Planets! (in Outliner)” removes most of the cruft from the planet list in the Outliner! 1.3.x Compatible. It removes the star system name and planet class tag. Occupation, Blockade, and Invasion icons are...
Stellar Expansion is NOT required. It is simply compatible with this mod and designed to work alongside it. This is a rather large addition to Stellar Expansion – new ship classes! 1.3 [Heinlein] saw...