Tiny Ship Designs Mod
Tinyifies your list of ship designs! Compatible with 1080/1440 addons and all addons that add new ships. I do not actually play Stellaris, I only make mods. That is how I have fun. Since...
Tinyifies your list of ship designs! Compatible with 1080/1440 addons and all addons that add new ships. I do not actually play Stellaris, I only make mods. That is how I have fun. Since...
Tinyifies the list of buildings available for construction on planets! 100% compatible with 1080/1440 addons, and all addons that add buildings, basically. I do not actually play Stellaris, I only make mods. That is...
Galactic Dawn – Forgotten Technology This mod allows you to build the high tech buildings which you can find on worlds owned by Fallen Empires. In the vanilla game the technology to make these...
Retexture of the reptilian ships. Does NOT overwrite the standard reptilian ships. Selectable in the empire creator for use with your own or an AI empire.
Game version: 1.5.* Last updated: 2017.04.10 A group of 50+ symbols I edited and modded into the game. I plan on adding in more and more. If there is something specific you would like...
I have newly added an ancient human species, Added a new city type 12/19 Added military governor costume and female ruler costume, Modified the dress of the pops