Democratic Authority Reworked [2.7.x] Mod

Democratic Authority Reworked [2.7.x] Mod
Democratic Authority Reworked
Originally posted by Chancellor Palpatine:
I love democracy. I love the republic.
Have you ever played as a democratic empire and suddenly, an election appears? Have you ever tried to shift the weight of an election towards your current ruler, only to have your level 10 scientist be elected instead, interrupting your research and thrusting your old leader back into the void? I have, and I hate it. I wish my scientists would focus on their research, my admirals the fleets, my generals their armies, my governors their sectors.
This mod aims to remove that issue entirely. Now our scientists research, governors govern, admirals admir, and generals lead.
This mod creates an event that pings every decade to either re-elect your current ruler or elect a new one entirely. Candidates are chosen from pops with Full Citizenship rights, including xenos if they should have them.
This means that the majority species in your empire with Full Citizenship has the greatest chance of becoming your ruler. Xenophobes need not worry.
Additionally, this mod provides a new policy, Election Policy, with 4 choices below that affect re-election odds:
Equal Chance, 50% chance to re-elect
Imbalanced Election, 65% chance to re-elect
One Term, 0% chance to re-elect
Predetermined, 90% chance to re-elect [only available with the Shadow Council civic]
This mod replaces only one thing in all of Stellaris: auth_democratic
Anything that adjusts or replaces the Democratic authority would not work with this mod.
Any custom authorities that use the Democratic election type would operate like vanilla democracies, and would not run the way this mod makes normal Democracy work.
NOTE: and similar ones provide a modifier bonus for Indirect Democracy that would be overwritten with this mod. If you load the other mod after this one, then this mod will not work correctly.