Designable Strike Craft Mod

Designable Strike Craft Mod
*Other mods compatibility – this is not likely to be compatible with too many other mods. It is designed to be used as a companion to the Stellaris base game to expand upon possibilities for carrier based craft.*
*Necroids support will be available soon after they release!*
What this mod does –
This mod adds a handful of new Stellaris species ships centered around allowing you to use the ship designer to design your own fighters, bombers and torpedo bombers. No stock ships are replaced.
See the tech chart screen shot above for all research paths.
Ship descriptions –
Heavy Fighter – (does not replace regular strike craft)
– 1 G (missile) slot
– 1 P slot
– 3 core component slots (1 non upgrade power slot)
– 1 utility slot (armor / shields)
– 3 auxiliary slots
Heavy Bomber – (does not replace regular strike craft)
– 1 M slot
– 3 core component slots (1 non upgrade power slot)
– 1 utility slot (armor / shields)
– 4 auxiliary slots
Heavy Torpedo Bomber – (does not replace regular strike craft)
– 1 G (missile) slot
– 1 L slot
– 3 core component slots (1 non upgrade power slot)
– 2 utility slots (armor/shields)
– 4 auxiliary slots
Light Strike Cruiser – (does not replace regular cruisers)
– Almost the same as a standard cruiser with the following exceptions:
– The section(s) that would normally host strike craft are now limited to only those specific sections. The strike craft component slots have been removed. Mod strike craft core component slot(s) have been added.
Strike Carrier – (battleship, does not replace regular battleships)
– Almost the same as a standard battleship with the following exceptions:
– The section(s) that would normally host strike craft are now limited to only those specific sections. The strike craft component slots have been removed. Mod strike craft core component slot(s) have been added.
– Strike Carriers have unique integrated systems core components to make room for more core components (see tech chart for research requirements).
Light Strike Platform – (does not replace regular platforms)
– Powerful customizable defense platform with mod strike craft core component slots.
Strike Command-ship – *DLC needed for this ship but not required for this mod (does not replace juggernauts)
– Allows the use of a second Juggernaut!
– Almost the same as a standard juggernaut with the following exceptions:
– The section(s) that would normally host strike craft are now limited to only those specific sections. The strike craft component slots have been removed. Mod strike craft core component slot(s) have been added.
– Strike Command-ships have unique integrated systems core components to make room for more core components (see tech chart for research requirements).
Currently you must have researched the Starhold starbase upgrade and at least the first rare tech introduced by this mod called Advanced Carrier Operations.
The heavy strike craft and the other strike ships (once enabled via research) are all designable in the Stellaris Ship Designer.
Heavy Strike Craft are NOT buildable at this time (for now). If you try to create a fleet with them in the fleet manager, they will not build and you will not be able to reinforce that fleet.
At this time, in order to deploy your Heavy Strike Craft designs you must have one valid design of each strike craft class (one fighter and one bomber) available in the ship designer. You can have many variants of each and they will be randomly selected to deploy. If you do not have at least one fighter and one bomber in the designer, none of the heavy strike craft will deploy when the mod strike ships enter combat.
Features painstakingly manually positioned turrets visible on the strike craft. (I used the text files to position them because I still suck using blender. so that took a while.)
ONLY mod ships with the name “Strike” in them are capable of deploying the mod strike craft. The exception being starbases (see the information in the bottom right of the tech chart).