Edict Redux – Planetary Upgrades Mod

Edict Redux – Planetary Upgrades Mod
This mod adds 21 planetary edicts to help with playing ‘tall’ (they will add new resources to the world)
There are three tiers to the Planetary Edicts. Tier 1 is free but provides the fewest resources. Tier 2 is middle ground for resources and cost. Tier 3 is the most expensive, but provides the most resources.
The new edicts will be put in below the base edicts.
This is a Module component of my Edict Redux mod. It will run fine without the base mod and works perfectly in concurrence with it.
As this mod does not alter any vanilla files, it will be compatible with any other mod. Using mods similar to this one may make this less enjoyable.
This mod is compatible all languages, but unfortunately all text strings will be in English.
If you have any issues with this mod, let me know as soon as possible and share as much info as you can. I’ll take a look at it as soon as possible.