Ethic-based Resolutions Mod

Ethic-based Resolutions Mod
Ethic-based Resolutions lets you and your enemies battle in the arena of wits and words with backroom deals, rather than in orbit of each other’s planets with nuclear weapons. Pass resolutions that promote your ethics to change the political landscape of the galaxy or push your enemies out of the Galactic Community… But be careful not to let them do it first.
In practical terms, this mod adds resolution trees of five tiers for all ethic which boost the attraction by 20% every time. The resolutions have no other effects and are meant to be used side by side with the vanilla ones. They can of course be repealed, and the community cannot endorse opposing ethics at the same time: If you want to promote militarism, you will need to repeal all the pacifist resolutions first.
Regarding the AI: It will vote according to its interests which include different things. At first, the AI will not mind if your try to promote ethics it does not explicitly disagree with, but it won’t like the highest level resolutions unless it fits its ethics. Certain civics and authorities also influence how the AI votes. Finally the AI will align itself on its friends or against its enemies if it does not care either way, as for vanilla resolutions.
I am always happy to read your suggestions and feedback; please leave a comment if you have anything to say.
(Speaking off: Someone told me the T5 spiritualist was broken in the screenshot. This has been fixed.)
-Paradox Interactive for making Stellaris
-The United Nations for the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights used in the T1 egalitarian resolution
-Billy Bragg for his re-imagined lyrics of The Internationale used in the T5 egalitarian resolution
-You, for actually reading the credits
-AlphaAsh, for providing the cool thumbnail picture
-Myself, for making the mod