Exalted Domination Mod

Exalted Domination Mod
This mod is in beta!
This mod aims to improve the Domination tradition so that it is an appealing option at any stage of the game and also adds several new vassal and tributary types that are more evocative and useful to an overlord. All subject types now grant a small degree of influence, which can be put towards new planetary decisions meant to help empires with smaller territories or towards edicts that grant bonuses to your subject empires.
Upon gaining a vassal or tributary an overlord will be immediately prompted to choose a subject type with options based on their ethics. Empires of all ethics have the option to leave a subject as vanilla vassal or tributary. Protectorates that rise to become vassals will trigger the type selection at the beginning of the next month.
Special thanks and credit to lpslucasps for inspiring this mod. Check out their work.
Domination Tradition
Workplace Motivators: No longer has prerequisites. Continues to grant 5% production bonus to workers and slaves.
Imperious Architecture: Continues to grant small housing bonus but also reduces army upkeep by 33%.
Colonial Viceroys: Requires Workplace Motivators and Imperious Architecture. Continues to grant +2 to max Govenor level and also unlocks new planetary decisions described below.
Leadership Tracks: Replaces Judgment Corps. Increases leader pool size by 1, giving more options for leaders to hire.
Privy Council: Requires Leadership Tracks. Continues to grant +2 to max Ruler level and also unlocks new subject edicts described below.
Vassal Types
Beneficiary: For empires that only want the best for their subjects. Beneficiaries receive a 50% reduction to the cost of their Overlord’s technology and are fully independent. Their ethics will shift to Xenophile and once a decade a random leader will defect to Overlord’s empire due to all the great things they hear, however.
Dominion: The subject’s ruler is executed and a state religion is imposed where the Overlord’s current ruler is worshipped as a living god. The Dominion’s leader is the same as the Overlord’s, including level and traits, and changes to match the Overlord. The subject’s ethics shift to Authoritarian and Spiritualist, their civics are replaced with Byzantine Bureaucracy and Imperial Cult.
Special Administrative Region: An SAR has a great degree of independence but is rendered tranquil through the Mostly Harmless civic (see below). AI empires of this type will gain a new personality that makes them to deprioritize military fleets and offer trade deals at generous rates. Their ethics also shift to Pacifist.
Warden: A Warden empire exists to protect its overlord in times of war. Their ethics shift to Militarist, and their civics are replaced by Distinguished Admiralty and Stellar Guardian (see below). AI empires of this type will gain a new personality that makes them dedicate a large amount of their economy to fleets and to avoid entering into agreements that will distract their populace from war.
Machine Empire Vassal Types
Automated Assembler: This shackled AI is required to supply its Overlord with robotic workers and armies on a reoccuring basis (every 5 years early game, 2 years mid game, and 1 year end game). The robotic pop will appear on the Overlord’s capital planet and 5 army transports in the Overlord’s capital system.
Tributary Types
Prefecture: Similar to vassals, this subject type renders the empire unable to form their own alliances or start wars and they can be integrated by the Overlord. They pay 20% of their monthly Food and Influence.
Satellite: These subjects are left independent, not even receiving protection from their Overlord if attacked. They enter into research agreements with their Overlord and pay 33% of their Research to them.
Signatory: A Signatory empire is prevented from forming alliances or starting wars with other empires, and in exchange is protected by their Overlord. They pay 10% of their monthly Consumer Goods, Exotic Gases, Rare Crystals, and Volatile Motes.
Thrall: For the Overlord that would prefer to never see their subjects again, Thralls are forbidden from expanding and receive no protection from their Overlord nor are they called upon in times of war. They pay 10% of their monthly Alloys and Unity.
The Domination skill Privy Council now unlocks several edicts which empower subject empires. These modifiers simulate the bonuses AI empires normally receive at Captain difficulty but lose once they become a subject empire. The hope is that these modifiers make it worthwhile to keep subjects around rather than integrating them into your empire. Since they apply to all subjects, the more you have the greater the value.
Benevolent Intervention: All subjects of equivalent or lower power receive +15% Unity, +50% Government Ethic Attraction, and +50% Chance of Ethic Change.
Developing Civiliation Outreach: All subjects of equivalent or lower power receive +25% Job Production and +25% Starbase Production.
Military Aid Package: All subjects of equivalent or lower power receive +15% Naval Capacity, -10% Ship Upkeep, and -10% Ship Build Cost.
Housing Projects: All subjects of equivalent or lower power receive +25% Pop Growth and -10% District Cost.
Planetary Decisions
The Domination skill Colonial Viceroys now unlocks new planetary decisions for worlds you control. These all cost Influence, meaning they’re not great for spamming on every colony, but can provide significant benefit for a few larger planets.
Entertain the Masses: Add +10 Stability at the cost of +25% Pop Food Upkeep and Amenities Usage.
Expel (Ethic): Expels one Pop of a specific ethic if its faction is being suppressed.
Infrastructure Committee: Add -20% Building and District Cost.
Scrap Drives: Immediately gain Alloys based on planet population in exchange for -20% Pop Happiness.
Suspend Environmental Protections: Add +100% Exotic Gases, Rare Crystals, Volatile Mote Production in exchange for growing Devastation on planet.
Feudal Realms: This Civic now allows you to demand vassalization or tribute from empires of Equivalent power rather than Superior.
Mostly Harmless: This new Civic grants a +15% Trade Bonus, -15% Market Fee, +100% Trust Growth and -50% Border Friction in exchange for -50% Naval Capacity.
Stellar Guardian: This new Civic grants +100% Defensive War Ship Build Speed, -25% Ship Build Speed in exchange for -50% Unity and -50% Trade.
Future Work
- Policy dictating greater or lesser tributary tax rates.
- Machine Curator vassal type for Machine Empires.
- New subject types/effects for Corporations and Hive Minds.
- Events for when a Dominion’s leader dies/is replaced.
- Lots more bug testing.
Known Issues
- Empires with Mechanist origin can’t be given Imperial Cult civic when made Dominion.
Spanish provided by Darh