Force Spawn Preset Empires Mod

Force Spawn Preset Empires Mod
This mod allows you to configure spawning of preset empires same as you do with your own custom empires.
It includes all preset empires from all DLC.
Human empires are listed at top of the screen and disabled by default.
All non-human empires are set to spawn always (force spawn) and are listed in same order as in default game.
Iferyx Amalgamated Fleets was slightly reworked to make it compatible with MegaCorp DLC.
Now it is a Megacorporation with Free Traders and Gospel of the Masses civics.
As you can see it is still a Trade League and they will have Peaceful Traders AI personality.
Subscribe to this mod and enable it in launcher.
Then copy contents of this link
to your
DocumentsParadox InteractiveStellarisuser_empire_designs.txt file.
Copy it at the start of your file so your custom empires will be loaded last.
If you don’t have such file, create it.
You also can copy file user_empire_designs_template.txt from the mod folder and rename it to user_empire_designs.txt.
You can use this if you don’t own all DLCs, however relevant empires will not be playable (obviously).
This is also fully compatible with mods that add more preset empres.
However, you might want to also copy them to your user_empire_designs.txt file.
Iferyx will not be playable without Megacorp, but it is very easy to edit it for yourselves.
Choose Oligarchic government, Corporate Dominion and Shadow Council civics.
That’s all.