Galactic Police Civic Mod

Galactic Police Civic Mod
This mod adds a new Civic to be played with. All contents of this mod have nothing to do with any country, group, or individual that exists in reality.
UPDATE: since this war goal is really so funny to play with, another war goal of exactly same effects is now open to all empires that have finished the Supremacy tradition tree and unlocked at least 3 Ascension Perks. Galactic Police can’t use it, though.
- Civic: Galactic Police
- Requirements:
- Fanatic Egalitarian
- Xenophile
- Beacon of Liberty
- × Shared Burden
- Enables “Mass Destructive Weapons” casus belli
- You claim that the target has some sort of Mass Destructive Weapons while they may actually don’t. You can use this war goal anytime against any empire.
- If this war goal is enforced, all enemies will be torn down into political shards. Each colonized system an enemy owned will become an independent empire and each system that can’t become independent will be annexed by the nearest shard, or the nearest war winner if no shard empires were created this way.
- The same is true for the fully occupied systems by your side if the war ends in a tie.
- Each shard empire will have random ethics, civics and authority but they will at least be either Egalitarian, Fanatic Egalitarian, or Xenophile. They have no fleets or armies and each have a -1000 opinion towards each other as well as towards the original empire they were separated from if it still exists. They have all technologies the original empire had, but not the traditions or ascension perks, instead they receive a bulk of unity of 5000 if early game, 25000 if mid game, or 125000 if late game.
- Hive Mind empires can be separated. The shards will still be Hive Minds. Each of them has a 50% chance to become a Devouring Swarm.
- Machine Intelligence empires can be separated. The shards will become Machine Intelligence empires each with a new Machine species. A shard will always become Driven Assimilator if more than half of their Pops are biological and it may become Determined Exterminator if no biological Pops present. If Synthetic Dawn is installed, Robotic pops from regular empires can also be separated into a new Machine Intelligence.
- Fallen Empires can be separated. In this case, they don’t get the same techs as the Fallen Empire, instead they get the same techs as the Galactic Police.
- A Galactic Police empire has mutally -500 opinion with following empires:
- Authoritarian empires;
- Xenophobe empires;
- Shared Burden empires;
- Empires with Dictatorial or Imperial authority;
- Empires that were once separated by a Galactic Police, or is separated from an empire because of a Galactic Police;
- Another Galactic Police.
- Requirements:
- War Goal: National Fragmentation
- Requirements:
- Finished Supremacy tradition tree
- Has 3 or more Ascension Perks
- × Galactic Police
- Must be used against a rival
- Player only
- The same effects as “Mass Destructive Weapons”.
- Requirements:
The UNE now uses “Beacon of Liberty” + “Galactic Police” for their civics.
No other vanilla files were overwritten.
Questions & Answers
- Q: Why should the shards hate each other?
A: You exquisitely split them this way so they hate each other and cannot be peacefuly united again. - Q: Why should the shards hate the Galactic Police?
A: Because of you, their once united empire was separated and must experience a long term chaos and local hostility. Each shard will almost always have broken and imbalanced economy because Stellaris encourages specialized planets, so it’s even harder form them to catch up. Even those learned Egalitarian from you regards you as a true space demon. - Q: Why does a Galactic Police hate another?
A: They know each other the most that they are both space demons. - Q: Why do Authoritarian, Xenophobe, and Autocratic empires hate the Galactic Police?
A: They are annoyed to the accusations of so-called sapient life rights issue. - Q: Why does a Shared Burden hate the Galactic Police?
A: Because Shared Burden is true Egalitarian. - Q: What’s the icon of Galactic Police?
A: A space monster eagle with a Beacon of Liberty for its head, searching for weak preys in the sea of darkness.
To Other Modders
You are free to borrow anything you need from my mod to make your own without asking me for permission and/or a credit link. You are responsible to read and understand my contents by yourself.