Guilli’s Plantoid Ship Graphics Pack for Stellaris

Guilli’s Plantoid Ship Graphics Pack for Stellaris
Guilli’s Plantoid Ship Graphics Pack
Compatible with versions 1.4+, 1.5+ and all other DLC.
This mod requires the plantoid DLC pack.
This mod adds:
A White hull version of the DLC plantoid ships.
A black hull version of the DLC plantoid ships.
White and a black matching city graphics.
Many players have been unhappy with how mamelian ships look, and hopefully with a nice lighter version of the plantoid, all us human civ players can play with different and cool looking ship graphics! A new black version is also here for those with more sinister ideas..
These ship graphics do not replace the original plantoid ships, they are extra options.
The AI will not use these ship types. If you desire AI empires to use these, make a custom empire and set it so it’s guaranteed to spawn.
Compatibility patches here:
These patches make the ship graphics work with these various mods that add new ship types! Click the link to go to the patch!
New Ship Classes & More v3.0+ Compatibility Patch .
Realistic Ships Compatibility Patch .
ISBS: Doomsday Weapons & Ships Compatibility Patch .
Downscaled Ships Compatibility Patch .
Know issues and general limitations:
– The game automatically makes a new species list for each ship graphics. They are nothing special, I just cant hide these list. So feel free to ignore them.
– The ships colour a fair bit based on the sun type (red suns = slightly red hull shine; yellow sun = yellos hull shine.)
– The shipbuilder colours the ships as well this way. They can seem yellowish in the ship builder.
– Every new ship graphics option will also add a city graphics option (this is hardcoded). I have edited them to match the ship graphics (so white plantoid ships also add an option to have whiter city graphics. This isn’t mandetory and it seems the AI wont use there either.
For other modders:
All my textures, files and tags start with “c_” This to avoid any mod incompatibility.
PDX Disclaimer:
This mod does not include any DLC art assets. This mod only containts text files and edited copies of textures. It will be imposible to use this mod, or reverse engineer this mod to be usable, without owning the DLC. Therefor it should not break your Policies. If there are any questions or issues, do let me know. Thank you.
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