GWen’sSubjectTypes1.6.X Stellaris

GWen’sSubjectTypes1.6.X Stellaris
This mod adds new subject types that you can force enemies to become as a wargoal. These are in addition to the standard Tributary, Vassal, and Protectorate.
1) Civility Subject Type has:
-75% Naval capacity.
+100% Planet fortification.
+200% Garrison health.
-25% Army build cost, Edict influence cost, and Army upkeep.
+25% Building Construction & Army build speed.
They have the ability to colonize.
We will join their defensive wars. They will not join our wars.
They cannot do diplomacy.
They are taxed 15% minerals and energy.
The overlord gains 0.25 influence per month.
2) Martiality Subject Type has:
+50% Naval Capacity
-25% Ship cost, Ship construction time, and Ship upkeep.
+30% Research speed when researching Voidcraft, Rocketry, Materials, Field Manipulation, Particles, and Military Theory.
They gain our sensor data.
They will join our wars. We will not join their wars.
They cannot perform diplomacy.
They cost us 0.25 influence each month.
3) Sociality Subject Type has:
+50% Ship build cost.
-50% Ship build speed
+20% Their pop happiness.
-20% Governing ethics attraction.
-20 Unrest
+25% Pop growth speed.
+30% statecraft, biology, new worlds, computing, psionics, and industry research speeds.
They can colonize worlds.
They will not join our wars. We will join their defensive wars.
They can perform diplomacy.
Socialities grant us 25% their influence and unity gain each month.
4) Inquestality Subject Type has:
-75% Naval capacity.
+50% Tile research.
They cannot colonize.
We will join their defensive wars. They will not join our wars.
They cannot perform diplomacy.
They will grant us 25% of their research each month.
They will cost us 0.25 influence each month.
5) Privateer Subject Type has:
+100% Naval capacity.
-50% Ship cost and Ship upkeep.
They can colonize.
They will not join our wars. We will not join their wars.
They can’t perform diplomacy.
They will give us 15% of their income each month.
They will cost us 0.25 influence each month.
6) Guardianship Subject Type has:
-75% Ship build speed.
175% Ship build speed During defensive wars.
+30% Home territory fire rate.
+50% Country sensor range.
They will cost us 0.25 influence a month to maintain.
Title image done by an anon
Latest Update
Posted new version while preserving legacy version
More subject types. Balancing.
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