Homeworld Ethics (3.1)

Homeworld Ethics (3.1)
Empire unique buildings for homeworlds
Which can be built is based on the ethics and/or civics of the empire.
This version, the buildings are considerably more powerful, but cost a base of 100 Influence to build, thus making it a tougher choice what to do with limited Influence in early game.
Each fanatic ethic typically allows the player and AI to build both a fanatic and non-fanatic empire unique building on their homeworld.
Each non-fanatic ethic typically allows the player and AI to build only a non-fanatic empire unique building on their homeworld.
Some buildings have an alternative requirement of a civic, or the new corporate authority in MegaCorp, rather than just specific ethics. Yes this means potentially you have more than three uniques available to you on your homeworld.
- Capital Cathedral: OR Spiritualist, Fanatic Spiritualist, Exalted Priesthood
- Central Datanet: OR Materialist, Fanatic Materialist, Technocracy
- Central Memorial: Fanatic Pacifist
- Elite City: OR Corporate Authority, Corporate Dominion, Aristocratic Elite, Fanatic Egalitarian, Fanatic Authoritarian, Authoritarian
- FirstWorld Movement: Fanatic Xenophobe
- Global Co-operative: OR Shared Burden, Fanatic Egalitarian, Fanatic Authoritarian, Authoritarian
- Global Peacekeeping Force: OR Militarist, Fanatic Militarist
- Global Police Authority: OR Xenophobe, Fanatic Xenophobe, Police State
- Holy City: OR Fanatic Spiritualist, Imperial Cult, Exalted Priesthood
- International Park: OR Pacifist, Fanatic Pacifist, Environmentalist
- OneMind Movement: Fanatic Authoritarian
- Search For Xeno Intelligence: Fanatic Xenophile
- Silicon Valley: Fanatic Materialist
- Space Agency: OR Xenophile, Fanatic Xenophile
- Unified Economy Bureau: OR Corporate Authority, Corporate Dominion, Fanatic Egalitarian, Egalitarian
- United Defence Force: OR Fanatic Militarist, Citizen Service, Warrior Culture
This mod alters no files in vanilla Stellaris so should be compatible with any other mod.
You DO NOT need MegaCorp. The Corporate Dominion civic is a valid alternative, and still in Stellaris sans MegaCorp.