KGX: Project Archive Mod

KGX: Project Archive Mod
updated for Stellaris 2.7.X and undergoing a final series of updates collectively designated Project Archive. Please see the link above or copy-pasted desc below for more information and previews.
Project Archive aims to wrap up archived works in progress from Kurogane Expanded I did not finish because the PDX launcher bricked the mod and irreversibly damaged the workshop page. This is also the reason KGX is released as a new mod instead of updating that one.
Currently contains 8 new models, with plans for ~8 more over time in addition to some minor features and fixes. Updates will be save game compatible. This mod does not have planned long term support from me, and after the completion of Project Archive will serve as its namesake for any potential future bearers of the mod.
Project Archive was created for private use, but released for public enjoyment. This means its probably got some minor QA issues. Please report them.
Looking for minor support on this mod. Ideally some 3D software/PS experience and willing to do some repetitive and minor tasks. Not the best pitch I know, but this will give me time and manpower to do things i’ve wanted to for the mod such as alt. color schemes and rolling out the Marauder Rework Project in a far more basic form than originally intended.
Last updated for Stellaris version 2.7.X and NSC2 Season 5
Everything you should read if you have questions or issues is in the description below.
A standalone expansion of the extremely popular , adding all the ships shown in the preview slides above to the game in the form of the Kurogane shipstyle. Also adds additional ships for new classes added by the , which are not available for use without it. NSC is not required to use this mod, only to access a portion of its contents. It does however come highly recommended, both to access the entirety of this mod and because it’s a good piece of work in itself.
This mod does not require any other Kurogane shipset mods to function, and includes all other mod ships as optional hull section choices. Only use one mod at a time!
***The AI is NOT trained to use any new sections introduced by Kurogane Expanded, and will not be able to field the following designs. This shipset is thus recomended for player use.***
Advanced Corvette (Shrike Class) – Mid-Late game improved corvette. Expensive, more slots.
Patrol Corvette (Police Class) – Piracy suppression corvette. Cheap, flexible, utility, weak.
Heavy Corvette (Astoria Class) – Specialist frontline corvette. Oversized weapon, evasion tank.
Raider Corvette (Cossack Class) – Specialist raiding corvette. Improved armament, fragile.
Battle Destroyer (Merced Class) – Line battle destroyer. Main battery focused weaponry.
Artillery Destroyer (Archer Class) – Specialist L-gun destroyer. Oversized weapon, fragile.
Assault Cruiser (Dragoon Class) – Close combat cruiser. Undersized weapons, resilient.
These new sections were necessary to allow more models to be added into this mod.
This mod is NOT purely cosmetic; the added ship sections are Kurogane shipset exclusive and may give Kurogane shipset users an unfair advantage in multiplayer environments. They are however balanced according to other sections and should not offer a power advantage, but a versatility one. This can easily be remedied by banning the use of such sections or deleting the mods common/section_templates folder. You will lose access to the models associated with these sections.
Compatible with most other mods without a patch.
Please upvote if you enjoy, it only takes a second of your time and makes me happy. You want to make me happy don’t you?
– Thanks to p1ut0nium.
Special thanks to for his contribution of many models. He is a far more experienced modder (and texturer) than me, and has many mods for the total war series. Many of the proto-assets are his.
Special thanks to my great friend for his work on the Vengeance of Centarus Insignia and various design, texture, and art advice. For a baguette smoking surrender frog you a’ight.