Lotus Mod – Advanced Ship Sections Mod

Lotus Mod – Advanced Ship Sections Mod
I made this mod because I was disappointed with the vanilla ship templates. Many of the vanilla templates made it difficult to make specialized ship designs by mixing hangers and torpedoes with traditional weapons that don’t penetrate shields and armor, or large weapon slots with small weapon slots that will never be in range. This causes ‘wasted’ weapon slots, and limited viable designs.
Most ship sections are around the same power level as vanilla classes. However, I a slight buff to my destroyer sections, mostly in the form of utility slots, because this ship class has always felt underwhelming.
Sections are unlocked by researching the Improved and Advanced Hull Technology for each ship class. Below is a list of each of the new sections.
No vanilla files were overwritten for this mod, so this mod should work fine with most other mods.
This mod is compatible with New Ship Classes 2 (NSC2). However, it only adds sections to the vanilla ships.
—–To Do List—–
-Add Descriptions to technologies that unlock new ship sections.
-Add Sections for Living Ships mod
—–Known Bugs—–
No known bugs, please report them if you encounter any.
—–Check Out My Other Mods—–
-Advances Ship Sections adds more specialized sections to the existing ship classes
-Ship Design Expanded is a combination of all my mods (it includes this mod)
-Larger Platforms adds the Defense Station and Fortress defense platforms and buffs the Ion Cannon
-Starbase Rebalance increases the weapons on starbases and varies their loadouts to make them more well rounded against different attacks
Check back on my collection often. I will be adding more mods and patches regularly.