No Required Pop Growth Scaling

No Required Pop Growth Scaling
This simple mod does one thing and one thing only:
In 3.0 the required pop growth to grow a pop increases by 0.5 for every pop in your empire. This mod reverses this change and makes it always 100 as before in 2.8.
Why? Because this change practically makes that conquering other empires being the only practical way to grow your empire in mid-late game. Want to play peacefully and build your economy uninterrupted? Too bad, your pop takes 4-5 times longer to grow now! With this mod you can continue your peaceful way and be prosperous as before.
Side affect being the galaxy would probably face overpopulation problem over time as before in 2.8. But hey, at least planetary capacity is still there, so pop growth will still slow down when reaching the capacity.
Compatibility: changed REQUIRED_POP_GROWTH_SCALE and REQUIRED_POP_ASSEMBLY_SCALE to 0 in defines. Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t touch those.
Ironman / Achievement : No.