Stellaris Mods


Make AI reevaluate jobs Mod

An mod forcing job reevaluation for AI empires around every 2 years (not all at once of course). The Stellaris engine is much, much lazier with re-evaulating job assignments for AI empires. Excessively so,...


Build A Pop Mod

This mod adds a single decision that creates 1 random citizen pop on the planet.Cost is based on the owner’s empire type, etc. That’s literally all this mod does. Marked as 2.* since i...


BSW // Jump Drive Balance Mod

BSW Addon : Jump Drive Balance This addon will change Jump Drive Balance.Cooldown : 200 -> 100 daysShip weapon damage modifier : -50% -> -75%Ship speed modifier : -50% -> -25%Ship disengage chance modifier...


BSW // Adaptive Defense Mod

BSW Addon : Adaptive Defense This addon will make AI & Auto ship design use adaptiveness in defense slots.For example, with higher shield tech, AI will try to use more shield components.This was orginally...


BSW // Carrier Alternative Behaviors Mod

BSW Addon : Carrier Alternative Behaviors This addon will change carrier combat computer behavior. With this addon, ships with carrier computer will stay at their position instead of running away. 항공모함 전투 ì»´í“¨í„°ì˜ í–‰ë™íŒ¨í„´ì„...