Stellaris Mods


!Starbase Extended UI Mod

This small UI mod enables your starbase view to fit a lot more buildings and modules in-screen, without the need for scroll bars. Obviously the icons become quite small, but that’s the trade-off. I...


!Primitive Worlds Adjustments Mod

Makes the following changes to Violent Beetle’s : Hive, Machine, Post-Apocalyptic, and Habitat primitives were reportedly sometimes more common than regular primitives. This mod reduces their numbers to be in line with their corresponding...


Diverse New Frontiers Mod

Details Planetary Diversity and Real Space New Frontiers are two of the best designed mods on the workshop. The art in both is fantastic and significantly improves the visual diversity of the game. It’s...


Origins of Civilization Mod

Adds a bunch of contents for primitives, building on Violent Beetle’s If the corresponding DLC are in use, primitives now also have Mechanist, Syncretic Evolution, Necrophage, Remnants, Tree of Life, Cataclysmic Birth, Rogue Servitor,...