More Crisis Ship + ZoFE Patch Mod
A small patch to allow More Crisis Ships when using the mod Zenith of Fallen Empire 3.0 Requirements: Load Order: -More Crisis and FE Ships-The Zenith of Fallen Empires 3.0-More Crisis Ships + ZoFE...
A small patch to allow More Crisis Ships when using the mod Zenith of Fallen Empire 3.0 Requirements: Load Order: -More Crisis and FE Ships-The Zenith of Fallen Empires 3.0-More Crisis Ships + ZoFE...
For Stellaris 2.8 Desc.:A very simple mod that gives the AI some minor bonuses at the start of the game match and every 10 years interval. Bonuses -6200 Energy-7300 Minerals-2550 Alloys-350 influence If the...
The Juggernaut feels… not like a Juggernaut. Something that doesn’t quite match up to power expectations. Aiming to fix that, I’ve done the following: -Added 2 sections to it, with a similar total slot...
This is a fork of an existing mod – , and . I have made the following changes: Updated to 2.8.1. Made adjustments to the starbase type so that Starbases equipped with the Large...
This Mod is a work in progress that is designed to make Gigastructural Engineering, Planetary Diversity, and Guilli’s Planet Modifiers and Features more synergistic. Current Features:*Terraforming connection among the planet classes for Gigastructural Engineering...
Sometimes you just dont have enough resources.Maybe you struggle with food or consumer goods.Maybe like me you cannot keep enough alloys to be able to sustain any sort of defense. Sometimes you have so...