LLX’s Mods – Colossus Tweaks (2.7 ‘Wells’) Mod
Another “mod pack” with behind the scenes compatability tweaks merges: Remember to thumbs up the originals!
Another “mod pack” with behind the scenes compatability tweaks merges: Remember to thumbs up the originals!
This mod adds some new jobs for Domestic Servitude.Maid job, Reproductive Slave job and Pet job. This mod replaces “Colonization Rights” with “Slave Treatment”.(Because Adding a new species right type is technically impossible. But...
Due to major reworking of building in 2.6 I pretty much had to rebuild this from the ground up. Learning from similar upgrade mods i also made the first tier of the new levls...
Unlocked the Bioo Reactor for everyone and made varients the convert others, ie: Food to Alloys Minerals to Consumer Goodetc
Makes changes to make other races like Lithoids with unique traits. Also incorperates: Fungoid:Adds new trait that produces extra energy, mildly improves habitability (fungus can grow almost anywhere), increases army health but reduces growth...