Stellaris Mods


Detroit Become Human Music Pack Mod

The Detroit Become Human is one of my favorite games and possesses a beautiful soundtrack. With this mod you can now hear this wonderful collection of music while you play Stellaris, perfect for those...


All Caravaneers Mod

In vanilla, there are three Caravaneer fleets: Numistic Order, Vengralian Trium, and Racket Industrial Enterprise. However, only two of the three will spawn in a game. This small mod modifies the “megacorp_caravaneer_init” system initializer...


Stellar Diseases Mod

The aim of this mod if to add a form of disease to Stellaris. Diseases appear via a colony event and have varying effects and spread in various ways. To counter this there are...


Machine-Forge and Hive Bioforge Worlds Mod

This mod allows the decision to create Machine-Forge and Hive Bioforge Worlds through their corresponding Ascension Perks. These worlds are basically the machine and hive versions of the Ecumenopolis. The costs, times, requirements and...