Stellaris Mods


Realistic Species Growth Mod

Have you ever noticed how your main species quickly becomes a minority as soon as you allow some xenos into your empire?This happens because Stellaris boosts growth of “under-represented” (minority) species in you empire...


Dark humanoid ships [2.7] Mod

This mod adds dark humanoid ships – a new graphical culture with modified – darkened textures. Included are assets for NSC2 compatibility. This mod does not replace any original files, so should be compatible...


Infestation – A Hive Mind Origin Mod

Description: This Mod adds a new Origin for Hive Minds that lets you Play as a proper Infestation. You will start on an Infested World, which has special Districts to produce all the resources...


Uncapped Federation Fleet Mod

Do you enjoy having a large federation?Do you hate that Federation fleet is capped at 600 naval cap, but federation taxes to support it aren’t? Don’t pay more for less! This mod simply adjusts...