Stellaris Mods


Animated Scrin Portraits Mod

This mod adds animated Scrin portraits from the C&C Tiberium Universe. Features 1. Scrin portraits 2. 3 Scrin Civics: Scrin, Reaper-17, and Traveler-593. Scrin trait4. Scrin Namelist5. Scrin Flags 6. Scrin System Start with...


!! Galactic market patch Mod

This patch will ensure that the allowed empires will have access to the galactic market if you use more than one of these mods: Put this mod at the end of your load order,...


Protoss Nerazim Portrait Set Mod

This portrait set uses the original Nerazim models made by Ilossaa and further expands it with additional portraits. Features– The original Nerazim portraits made by Ilossaa.– New set of portraits (both static and animated)...