Stellaris Mods


Hyperlane Transparency Lite 2.0.* Mod

For Stellaris 2.0.* (Cherryh) – Ironman / Achievement Compatible Uploaded for people still running 2.0 games (2.1 changed some of the hyperlane shader code so it’s not backwards compatible). Get the 2.1 version –...


Better Colossi Mod

Give colossi combat ability.Just a custom mod for my personal use.Comments are welcome. ——————————————— Important! colossi will not auto-disengage anymore!!!!!!emergency FTL time reduced by 95%emergency FTL risk reduced by 75% ——————————————— Major Chnages increase...


No Megastructure Limits Extended Mod

Removes limits for amount of megastructures that can be built at once by an empire. Removes limits for amount of megastructures that can be built at once by an empire. Removes the limit for...


Empire at War Rework Mod

This mod is a updated Version of the mod “Star Wars A Galaxy Devided” created by LastLeviathan for the game Version 2.7.2.I did this to learn how to programm my own mod. So dont...


Iconian Empire Portraits Mod

This mod adds the Iconians and Heralds from the Star Trek Online Universe. Features 1. Two animated portrait sets: Iconians and Heralds2. Iconian system start: Iconia3. Three Civics: Iconian Whole, Iconian Gateway Technology, and...