Stellaris Mods


Touhou Project Soundtrack For for Stellaris

Suitable for version 1.6.0 Track Listing 1. – SWR Sakuya’s Theme׃ Flowering Night 2. – SA Koishi’s Theme׃ Hartmann’s Youkai Girl 3. – SA Satori’s Theme׃ Satori Maiden ~ 3rd Eye 4. – SA...


Civic Redux For for Stellaris

ABOUT Civic Redux adds in 49 new government Civics to choose from. These Civics can provide passive bonuses – similar to many of the vanilla Civics – or Game Start civics that give an...


(- Galactic Civil War: Vanilla Sky -) Mod

Star Wars: Galactic Civil War – Vanilla Sky Stellaris Version 1.5.1 Introduction A side project derived from my main mod “Star Wars: Galactic Civil War – Models and more”, this mod replaces the arthropoid...