Pre-FTL cities Mod
This mod adds two new graphical cultures that can be used by the player or AI empires. > Pre-industrial graphical culture adds pre-industrial city and a shipset based on “ancient” ships / mining drones....
This mod adds two new graphical cultures that can be used by the player or AI empires. > Pre-industrial graphical culture adds pre-industrial city and a shipset based on “ancient” ships / mining drones....
This simple map edit greatly diminishes the impenetrable orb of brightness at the center of generated galaxies, thus making it possible for your species to settle the galactic core without risking permanent blindness. THIS...
Small mod inspired by similar mods, adding an immortal trait for leaders in roleplay playthroughs. When looking for a mod to fill this purpose I found that existing mods usually add other buffs with...
1.6.* compatible ???? Noticed how battles look up close and made a mod that changes up turrets to be mostly single barreled/dual launcher. Also changed some sizes and “enhanced” the look of artillery and...
For version 1.6.0 Features: – Hiveminds, psionics, genetics, and robotics can be combined and mixed. – No more turning into synths! You now transform into a hybrid. – Allows more genetic traits to be...
給等不及的您先嘗試用,不保證問題能得到解決。 建議您仍請以主體MOD 為準 **本MOD不含遊戲本體漢化,請另外訂閱字體檔** Let me know if you find any bugs. ===現有功能=== 在重開新遊戲時,將產生國家、星系、艦船、人物、派系的隨機自動中文命名 修正了官方多字節語模組bug,變更政體後不會產生”黑框”船艦 修正了國家名稱規則,使其看起來像是現實國家 ===相容性==== 依正版遊戲1.6.*規格獨立重寫 可支援正體中文版之二次漢化 MUYI版MOD 因修改了遊戲本體機制,即使開啟鐵人亦無法解鎖成就