Stellaris Mods


Epic Galaxies Texture 3 For Stellaris

Compatible with 1.6 Yet another galaxy texture. Other textures: Galaxy Texture 1 Galaxy Texture 2 Use this mod if the core is too bright for you: Dim Core —————————————————————————————————————————- UI Mods Dark UI –...


Asymmetric Starts for Stellaris

Compatible with 1.6 Ever felt the galaxy was a bit empty with nothing happening before your and your upstart peers’ arrival? Ever thought there should be large wars being waged by advanced empires by...


Weird Robots For for Stellaris

Replaces the standard robots with nice flying drone-things. They represent communicating interfaces of artificial life, instead of pretending to be all robots like Stellaris sub-par one-robot-fits-all model. There are two main portraits, one a...