TehT_FlagPack Stellaris
[Banks 1.5.x, Ironman Compatible, 100% Conflict Free] More flag backgrounds in the style of the vanilla ones, mathemagically placed to integrate with default emblems! I will be extending this going forwards, and will to...
[Banks 1.5.x, Ironman Compatible, 100% Conflict Free] More flag backgrounds in the style of the vanilla ones, mathemagically placed to integrate with default emblems! I will be extending this going forwards, and will to...
Increases the traits point, traits pick & ethics. Trait Points: 6 (Vanilla 2) Trait Picks: 8 (Vanilla 4) Ethics Points: 4 (Vanilla 3) Civic Points: 4 (Vanilla 2) A simply mod that adds a...
1.6.* Compatible! If there is a bug, please contact me in the comments. I do not test this mod in detail, as I have many different mods and I dont even use many of...
A simple mod which adds 4 extra ascension trait slots and a repeatable tech to get them. Should be compatible with all mods (as long at they don’t modify the traditions view or how...
a 40K mod Grand Crusade / Imperial Fist Rogal Dorne -Adds a custom Empire : Imperium Secundus lead by Emperor Rogal Dorne -Adds custom Leader Portraits + custom ruler portraits -Uses the base human...
As of 1.5, the Horizon Signal chain is broken. What was, unfortunately, will never be ???? The reason for that is the way they put the research weight in the files. They gave the...