Children of God Empire For Mod
THIS MOD IS UPDATED AND HAS FULL COMPATIBILITY TO THE 1.6 ADAMS UPDATE! This mod is inspired by films like “Village of the Damned”, “Children of the Corn”, Stargate Atlantis S01E06 and the species...
THIS MOD IS UPDATED AND HAS FULL COMPATIBILITY TO THE 1.6 ADAMS UPDATE! This mod is inspired by films like “Village of the Damned”, “Children of the Corn”, Stargate Atlantis S01E06 and the species...
Fixes Ring Worlds turning into Tomb worlds. Added a new planet class of type ringworld, which has the same habitabilty as tomb worlds. Sets habitable sections to the new planet class, and sets all...
Instructions: At start of game, choose version you want to play. To build more ships, build a mining or research station to a habitable world. Energy version must build on stars instead and turn...
Speeds up gameplay by increasing research, building and growth along with eliminating per-colony research penalties and reducing influence costs for outposts and distant colonies. Updated for 1.6 Features: All changes affect players and AI...
A mod that let’s players choose the traits for their first ruler. This mod is based on Select starting ruler’s traits by Tessie Of Winters and tries to improve it in more vanilla-like Stellaris...
If you are like me, and you FINALLY got your own baby Drake… Joy! and then noticed it kinda sucked. It does great damage, but really dies pretty easily — no shields, evasion that...