There Can Be Only One for Stellaris
This mod is for Stellaris players who want a galaxy full of extremly aggressive AI enemies. This mod is all about war and conquest. Due to changes of almost every game aspect this mod...
This mod is for Stellaris players who want a galaxy full of extremly aggressive AI enemies. This mod is all about war and conquest. Due to changes of almost every game aspect this mod...
1.3.0 Compatible. Because I didn’t like the default brownish galaxy. This is my blue galaxy. There are many like it, but this one is mine. Should be compatible with anything, INCLUDING LATER VERSIONS OF...
1.5 版本已更新 原版名称: ISBS: Doomsday Weapons & Ships – Simplified Chinese 中文名称: ISBS: 末日武器与舰船 – 简体中文版 本MOD原作者:Ankain 英文版汉化需汉化MOD,汉化MOD可选择任意,凭个人口味挑选并在游戏语言选择英文,刚点开游戏显示的对话框页面右侧找到MOD一项,在其中将所要使用的多个MOD依次打钩激活 ***必需物品中的MOD为我个人当前正在使用的汉化MOD 选择官方中文版的玩家无需任何其他语言类MOD,直接打钩即可使用 ===================1.4版本的官中已回炉重做,该部分内容作废===================== (也就是适用于官方英文版MOD汉化版本与官方简体中文版,两者选择皆可) (个别官方简体中文版汉化文本仍需矫正,校对需要大量时间,所以目前游戏中可能会出现一些较为违和的文本内容,请大家谅解) ========================================================================== ***************************** 重要:本MOD已整合所有末日武器MOD文件,无须订阅英文原版末日武器MOD(不要同时激活两个MOD) ****************************** 各巨型舰船中文名称: 泰坦、 利维坦、 堕落泰坦、 化身、 幽冥、 诸神黄昏;...
“Targeted Gene Expressions” is now in adition a rare but repeatable Technology. Now you can focus on improving your or any other Species if you like and if you can afford it! ???? Feel...
Simple mod that increases anomaly spawn chance 4 times. For obvious reasons, it is not compatible with my “No Anomalies” mod.
This mod adds the famous near-Human Star Wars Chiss species as animated portraits under the phenotype category “Humanoid” to Stellaris. The mod also includes: – the uniform of a Grand Moff for your ruler...