Stellaris Mods


Byzantine Name List For Stellaris

Make Byzantium Great Again! With the wonders of modern technology, I have transfered Byzantine names and fleets from EU4 (which includes pretty much all of them from CK2 as well) and made them usable...


2D Galaxy Stellaris

This mod will work for all future versions of this game despite the “incompaitble” warning in the mod list. This mod only uses 1 line of code.


Stellaris magyarul Stellaris

Hungarian localization for Stellaris, work in progress. — A Stellaris magyar fordítása, jelenleg rendkívül kezdeti fázisban. A mod a fordítóknak és a fordítás tesztelõinek készült, letöltése ezeken kívül az erõs idegzetûeknek ajánlott.


Free Government Creation Mod

Removes ethos requirements for governments, so you can have collectivist democracies, materialistic theocraties and every other combination. Should be compatible with any mod not changing the governments.


The Quintessential British Name List Mod

British Humans Forum Thread Alternatively British anything. Blorgs, Foxes, Smugslugs, Platypi,… Go crazy. Included: Ships: 2561 generic, 228+1 battleships, 570 corvettes, 293 cruisers, 1176 destroyers, 170 colony ships, 170 construction ships, 46+1 science ships,...