Stellaris Mods


More Genetic Engineering Mod

Actually only a Fix for only one case: If you modify your primary species completly, the game doesn´t notice that and make it aliens at all with all problems of that. this mod fires...


Sector Manager for Stellaris

Sector AI -Now builds Orbital Stations (Still trying to figure out how to make them upgrade them). -Focuses more on resource production. Costs -Sector Revoke and destroy influence costs set to 0. Controls -Changed...



Adds “Newtype” Portrait set – Sexiest Char – Haman Karn Adds Name List – Consists of Zeon characters, Zeon suits and armours, and various U.C. locations Adds Flags – Newborn Neo Zeon emblem –...


Peglaci Species For for Stellaris

My world-famous (locally-famous) race mod from Starbound makes its way to Stellaris! This is still in its early phases – the portraits are currently just static, still working on getting them animated – but...