More Genetic Engineering Mod
Actually only a Fix for only one case: If you modify your primary species completly, the game doesn´t notice that and make it aliens at all with all problems of that. this mod fires...
Actually only a Fix for only one case: If you modify your primary species completly, the game doesn´t notice that and make it aliens at all with all problems of that. this mod fires...
Sector AI -Now builds Orbital Stations (Still trying to figure out how to make them upgrade them). -Focuses more on resource production. Costs -Sector Revoke and destroy influence costs set to 0. Controls -Changed...
Adds “Newtype” Portrait set – Sexiest Char – Haman Karn Adds Name List – Consists of Zeon characters, Zeon suits and armours, and various U.C. locations Adds Flags – Newborn Neo Zeon emblem –...
Removes Cost to hire Leaders. 1.5.* Compatible Compatible with Save Games made before. Compatible with all my other mods as well as most popular ones.
My world-famous (locally-famous) race mod from Starbound makes its way to Stellaris! This is still in its early phases – the portraits are currently just static, still working on getting them animated – but...
Stellaris – Awakening is an ambitious content and balance mod. The purpose of the mod is to expand on or tweak existing features, or add new features (including new events, traits, edicts, crisis, etc)....