[Firefly] White Sun – Start System Mod
Londinium; the homeworld of the Union of Allied Planets, closely surronded by a great many other terraformed core worlds all orbiting the White Sun of the “Firefly/Serenity” planetary system.
Londinium; the homeworld of the Union of Allied Planets, closely surronded by a great many other terraformed core worlds all orbiting the White Sun of the “Firefly/Serenity” planetary system.
Ironman Compatible (as far as I know) This mod is simple- this mod gives gender dimorphism to plant 11 by making females lavender; so as to distinguish them from default (green) males. Fixed to...
The Maya System; one of the stomping grounds of the Solarian League’s Office of Frontier Security. This relatively young homeworld (Smoking Frog) doesn’t suffer from urban decay, but vulcanism is more troublesome! At least...
1.5 版本原作者还未更新,且本人近期会有人事变动,时间有限,但原作者更新后我一定会尽快更新,请大家耐心等待~十分抱歉 更新4.0,新增加几种新的城市外观、四种堕落帝国舰船类型、三大天灾舰船类型、各种野外舰船类型等等 英文版汉化需汉化MOD,汉化MOD可选择任意,凭个人口味挑选并在游戏语言选择英文,刚点开游戏显示的对话框页面右侧找到MOD一项,在其中将所要使用的多个MOD依次打钩激活 选择官方中文版的玩家无需任何其他语言类MOD,直接打钩即可使用 ===================1.4版本的官中已回炉重做,该部分内容作废===================== (也就是适用于官方英文版MOD汉化版本与官方简体中文版,两者选择皆可) (个别官方简体中文版汉化文本仍需矫正,校对需要大量时间,所以目前游戏中可能会出现一些较为违和的文本内容,请大家谅解) (所以就目前而言想使用官方简体中文的朋友还是推荐使用一些矫正优化类MOD) ============================================================================== ***************************** 重要:本MOD已整合所有新增舰船MOD文件,无须订阅英文原版新增舰船MOD(不要同时激活两个MOD) ****************************** 本MOD原名称: (-New Ship Classes & More v4.0-) – Simplified Chinese 本MOD中文名称: 更多的舰船种类、科技和建筑等 v4.0 – 简体中文版 本MOD原作者:CaptainX3、Crusader Vanguard、eximius 新增舰船种类:(空间站建造,大多需要前置科技解锁) 护卫舰、 突击舰(原翻译:轻型巡洋舰、歼击巡洋舰)、 轻型航空母舰、...
THIS MOD WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT BOTH THE CORE MOD AND PORTRAIT MOD! This project aims to consolidate all the different anime styled portrait mods on the workshop into a single portrait set. Since...
playablerobots http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=728268465 https://github.com/gtosh4/playablerobots Credit Delincious – Original mod Cookiemonster364 – Fix for trait copying issue Notifications Do not run this AND the original mod. They have the same stuff except this one has a...