Stellaris Mods


Exterminatus Stellaris

Description NB! MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE “EXTERMINATUS” EDICT ACTIVE IN ORDER TO USE EXTERMINATUS WEAPONS AND DECLARE EXTERMINATUS UPON OTHERS. Personally, I’ve been dissapointed by the poor state of planetary bombardings in this...


Skittish Scientists Mod

Have you ever wondered what happens to Science ships set to autoexplore if they jump into a system with hostiles in it? Wonder no more! This mod: Immediately pauses the game and puts up...


Sidrake’s Arthropoid Ships for Stellaris

================================PLEASE NOTE================================ THIS IS NOT A SEPERATE SHIP DESIGN. As this is a reskin, it will replace the default Arthropoid ships/stations. This means that all races using arthropoid ships, including AI, will be replaced...