Share the Wealth – Revised Stellaris
This mod is a redesign of my old Share the Wealth mod, built with a more balanced approach. It provides three main features: 1) The ability to transfer food between colony worlds through use...
This mod is a redesign of my old Share the Wealth mod, built with a more balanced approach. It provides three main features: 1) The ability to transfer food between colony worlds through use...
Now stations aren’t useless. 1) Defense Platform ———————————————— 2000 HP 2) Defense Station ————————————————- 4000 HP 3) Fortress ——————————————————– 8000 HP 3) Bastion ——————————————————— 40000 HP 4) Military station build cost ————————————- -40% 5)...
УВАЖАЕМЫЕ ГОСПОДА! ПРОШУ ПРОЩЕНИЯ! МОД ВРЕМЕННО НЕ ОБНОВЛЯЕТСЯ! “Russian Names” + “[RUS] Translation [by Hapko3, 20160528]” by AKS Когда я поставил моды русификации игры, меня очень опечалило обилие английских слов, поэтому я сделал свою...
This mod is a portrait pack which provides the last puzzle piece to creating your Galactic Empire. See the ‘Humans & Misc’ subcategory on the Appearence screen.
Hey Guys! For those of you who use EM And New ships and more Mod This is the Compat patch to make them both work! Hope you guys Enjoy! ???? Here’s the Base Mod...
This is a simple mod to adjust the Species Modding Window and provide additional needed functionality. Features Expanded window to properly show all 9 Planet Preference types. The ‘Available Traits’ box will now display...