Stellaris Mods


-Metal Maidens- For Mod

Current Version contains: Flags: Bavaria, Gallia, Britannia, Freedonia, Rossiya, Cathay, Nippon, Experimenter, SVS, BWMG Name Lists: Bavaria, Gallia, Britannia, Freedonia, Rossiya, Experimenter, “Mains” + Meti [Metal Maidens], Maidi [All Maidens] Portraits: Bavaria, Gallia, Britannia,...


Researcher Trait ‘Fix’ for Stellaris

I was a bit surprised that scientists leading research departments couldn’t gain traits as they leveled up, while their esteemed colleagues out surveying the galaxy could. This mod ‘corrects’ this issue by allowing researchers...


Robots+ Mod

IMPORTANT: you need a new safe file for this mod having any effect. Switching over from the mods below doesn’t do anything. Incompatible with other playable robots mods. V1.9purgeisfun