Revolutions – Ethics and Civics

Revolutions – Ethics and Civics
Stellaris Revolutions is a collection of mods to enhance the vanilla Stellaris experience. The focus is on the Culture-related aspects of the Empire creation and development, such as Ethics, Authorities, Civics, Traditions, Governments and Policies. The idea is to allow players more precise tuning of their Empire’s culture, by significantly increasing diversity of available options.
Each empire has 5 ethic points which can be spent on ethics. Each moderate ethic costs 1 point and each fanatic ethic costs 2 points. Gestalt Consciousness is the “true neutral” ethic for collective societies without individual agency; it costs 5 ethic points.
There are the 4 ethic vanilla axes present:
- The Authoritarian-Libertarian axis measures the amount of personal freedom that one would allow: “Libertarian” is defined as the belief that personal freedom should be maximized while “Authoritarian” is defined as the belief that authority should be obeyed.
- The Materialist-Spiritualist axis looks at whether the unknowns of the universe can be explained by science or the existence of something greater.
- The Militarist-Pacifist axis looks at whether the empire’s military should be used offensively or strictly defensively.
- The Xenophile-Xenophobe axis looks at whether alien species and cultures should be embraced or distrusted.
And these are expanded with the following 3 axes:
- The Elitism-Pluralism axis looks at how power is spread between individuals and groups
- The Competitive-Cooperative axis looks at the state of the economy. Cooperative societies focus on working together for the greater good while Competitive societies focus on becoming the best without regards of others.
- The Industrialism-Ecologism axis looks at the social attitude towards environmental issues.
Expanded with over 40+ new civics.
The Democratic authority is now split between 2 new ones:
- Direct Democratic – With people being directly involved in governing and deciding on policy initiatives, bureaucratic efficiency is increased and both social and economical development are accelerated.
- Indirect Democratic – Indirect democracies have regular elections where all citizens can vote on who should represent them.
Expanded the 60 vanilla governments with 30+ new ones.
New Factions
Expanded with new factions:
- Entrepreneurs Faction (Competitive)
- Laborists Faction (Pluralism)
- Industrialists Faction (Industrialism)
- Environmentalists Faction (Ecologist)
- Elitists Faction (Elitism)
- Democratic Faction (Libertarian)
Some civics now have unique new jobs and buildings. A total of 17 new jobs and 6 new buildings were added.
New policies to enrich the experience and roleplaying aspects:
- Economic Stance: Free Market/Planned
- Authority Stance: Centralized/Federalized
- Education: Public/Private
- Healthcare: Public/Private
- Mass Media: Free Media/State Media
- Personal Weapons: Limited/Allowed
- Environmental Regulation: Reduced/Moderate/Increased
And new Trade policies:
- Innovation & Progress
- Growth & Construction
- Social Development
- Agricultural Subsidizing
- Mining Subsidizing
Special Thanks and information
Based on the great works of petruxa’s Ethics and Civics Classic 2.8
Any UI compatibility patch for Ethics and Civics Classic 2.8 will also work for this mod. Any UI mod that you use might cause the new ethics to not be shown.