RIG:Unique Shipset Mod Mod

RIG:Unique Shipset Mod Mod
Hello, Im Gray. The author of ReImagined Gaming: Unique Shipsets. Welcome to my very ambitious, unique mod. I’ve been working on this for about two years. Since Necroids are out, I decided to change the mod’s name as i update it, to better communicate the purpose of the mod.
When you start a game of stellaris, you begin by designing a species. Of those choices there is a cosmetic choice of shipsets. In the original game the design of your ships has no impact on how you play the game. You could pick Fungoids, Humanoids or Mammalians. All of those choices will result in the exact same builds, the exact same ship designs.
But here’s the question, what if that choice wasn’t cosmetic? What If that choice was an extremely important option on the list? As if you were picking Axis or Allies before starting a game of Company of Heroes. What if Avian ships had distinctly different ship layouts, compared to any other choice. What if those designs weren’t just slot loadout based? What if they also came with distinct role bonuses that gave individual ships within the fleet a sense of place?
This is what I have created for your next Stellaris game.
With RIG-US enabled, your graphical choice is more like picking a faction, than a style of clothes. Each ship in the designer, from Corvette to Juggers, will be unique to the factional identity of the ships. The only exception are the Colossus and defence platforms.
The ships I have designed are significantly more powerful than the base game ship designs. This also includes the Starbases and platforms. As those now start with XL weapons. This means that you should expect to see much larger numbers on any fleet when playing the game.
In addition to the increased power, i have taken special care to apply them visually to the shipsets. Any new turrets I have placed on a ship, have their own unique location marker. Meaning that unlike other mods, my turrets are distributed around the ship model in a way that is pleasing to the eyes.
While there is AI support for the new logic needed to design the ships, it isn’t perfect. There will be moments where you see Ai ships not designing their ships fully. This is often due to the auto build not taking full account for power requirements, thus it skips on items. That being said, the AI on Admiral will often keep up with your fleet power throughout the game. I would recommend that difficulty.
This mod version works specifically for 2.8.0
Any mods that attempt to add a new ship size, such as carriers, or battle cruisers, are not supported. While RIG-UI wont break these mods, It wont interact with them. Don’t expect to see any new ship sections when another mod adds another ship size i haven’t planed for.
I’m sorry to say. I tried guys, I really tried. But seriously, I just can’t deal with how many additional things NSC adds. Many of which are just slightly more powerful things than the previous thing. NSC isn’t compatible with RIG-UI, and honestly, never will be. I tried to write a patch for NSC. But once it dawned on me just how much work was needed, just to get NSC to work, I simply refocused my resources. I’m not saying it can’t be done, I’m just saying it’s too much work for me.
RIG:US doesn’t do anything to the UI. All UI mods should be fine.
I have designed a companion mod for RIG:US, titled ‘Weapon Expansion’. You can find it linked here.
While i would recommend people use RIG-WE as the true item mod to enhance your game, i have deliberately separated it so that you can use other module and weapon mods instead. I get that my mods are not perfect, so expect that there will be oddities when using other module and weapon mods, other than RIG-WE. That being said, they should work fine.
All tech mods should work perfectly fine. Even with RIG-WE at the same time.
Machine Shipset .
AI shipset (i plan to fold this into RIG by default.)
When the author of Ascendancy Ship set finishes the set, i will update this.
Other ship set mods can and will be adapted to RIG-US. However, they must fit my criteria. They must have Turret models. And i need to like them. Really, that’s about it. I don’t want to adapt models that have limited visual life. I think Living Ship are an exception. We all want space life.