SE – Human – soft Mod

SE – Human – soft Mod
This is a patch to the mod
so it REQUIRES that mod to be downloaded and active.
See for specific details of the mod, but this patch limits the type of clothing for males and females to closed, with formal wear for leaders. However, Pirates, given their nature, still have revealing clothing. Bodies used are the new female bodies with reduced busts, and same with clothing.
Mods in the Series
– Standalone –
(Just the hair, can be used in combination with other body/clothing mods)
(Just the bodies, can be used in combination with other hair/clothing mods)
(Just the bodies, requires , , or )
– SE: Human Series –
– Using only small busts for females, plus no revealing clothing.
– Using a greater range of clothing.
– SE: Humanoid Series –
– For player preference if you prefer your space elves to NOT have horns.
– For player preference if you prefer to have clothing and body styles more modest. – Using a greater range of clothing.