Shut Up, We Don’t Care! (3.1)

Shut Up, We Don’t Care! (3.1)
Stop. It’s Hammer Time.
Ding ding ding. The constant ding of crappy AI continuously changing its mind about rivalries, treaties and all that other **** I don’t care about. Seriously, if I want to know, I’ll look you up. Now please just STFU.
Diplomacy notification spam still isn’t any better. I still don’t care about it. If you also still don’t care, use this. It’s a large hammer. It just over-rides notifications of a load of diplomatic exchanges between AIs that don’t involve you, so you don’t get told about them.
Some notifications regarding wars and federations have not been squashed in this edition.
This mod modifies common/diplomatic_actions/00_actions.txt
Updated for v3.1.x
Should be fine with an existing save-game.
Not ironpants cheev compatible.
Load Order: Try the bottom.