The Planetbuilders Mod

The Planetbuilders Mod
The Planetbuilders
“Many men of course became extremely rich, but this was perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of because no one was really poor—at least no one worth speaking of. And for all the richest and most successful merchants life inevitably became rather dull and niggly, and they began to imagine that this was therefore the fault of the worlds they’d settled on. None of them was entirely satisfactory: either the climate wasn’t quite right in the later part of the afternoon, or the day was half an hour too long, or the sea was exactly the wrong shade of pink.
And thus were created the conditions for a staggering new form of specialist industry: custom-made luxury planet building. The home of this industry was the planet Magrathea, where hyperspatial engineers sucked matter through white holes in space to form it into dream planets – gold planets, platinum planets, soft rubber planets with lots of earthquakes—all lovingly made to meet the exacting standards that the Galaxy’s richest men naturally came to expect.” – Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
This mod introduces the planetbuilders – a new enclave that will appear during the late midgame. As the name suggests, they can build entirely new planets for your empire – for a price of course. You can choose location, size, planetclass (including some special, really silly ones I came up with for fun), add random modifiers and put primitives or pre-sapients on them! Every step costs energycredits, but if you can’t afford it right now, you can delay your payment and continue once you have the money. Also comes with intergrated compatability for guillis planetmodifiers and planetary diversity.
This mod overrides the “habitable_structure” scripted trigger to give golden planets their own districts, so I recommend downloading .
If you find any bugs or spelling mistakes, let me know in the comments! Any feedback is appreciated. Just remember to be civil about it.
Other mods made by me: