Turkish Republican Music for Stellaris

Turkish Republican Music for Stellaris
(Updated for 1.6 Adams)
My 2nd mod for Stellaris, featuring military-themed music from the Republican period (1923-…) of Turkey’s history. Not sure how it goes with a sci-fi grand strategy game, but at least it goes well with my Turkish Emblems mod and a militarist playthrough. Unless specified otherwise, all tracks have been recorded by the Turkish Armed Forces Band. The tracks with a * are from the soundtrack to Kurtuluş, a 1994 miniseries about the Turkish War for National Liberation.
This mod is made for the sole purposes of providing Stellaris with custom content, and is in no way intended to promote or condemn any ethnicity, nationality, ideology or way of policy. Due to obvious thematic conflicts, future music packs with Turkish socialist music or Ottoman military music will be separate.
All tracks have been converted from 128kbps .mp3 files. Lowering the music volume at least by half is recommended. Vanilla Music Disabler also recommended.
Track list (by alphabetical order within mod files) and Youtube links:
Alay Marşı (Regiment’s March)
Ankara Türküsü (Ankara Folk Song)
Başlangıç Müziği (Intro Theme)*
Bozkırın Sesi (Sound of the Steppe)*
Büyük Taaruz (Grand Offensive)*
İzmir Marşı (Izmir March)*
Savaş Müziği (War Theme)*
Sevda Çiçeği (Love Bloom)*
Yunan Ağıtı (Greek Elegy)*
Cenk Sanatımız (Our Art of War’s March), Naval Forces Band
Denizaltı Filosu Marşı (Submariners’ March)
Deniz Kuvvetleri Marşı (Naval Forces’ March), Naval Forces Band
Ellinci Yıl Marşı (50th Anniversary March), Presidential Symphony Orchestra (probably)
Eskişehir Marşı (Eskişehir March)
Gençlik Marşı (Youth Anthem)
Harbiye Marşı (War Academy March)
Harp Filosu Marşı (War Fleet March)
Hava Harp Okulu Marşı (Air Force Academy March)
Hoş Gelişler Ola (Welcome [Mustafa Kemal Pasha])
İstiklal Marşı (Liberation Anthem, Turkey’s national anthem), Presidential Symphonic Orchestra
İzmir Marşı (Izmir March)
Jandarma Marşı (Gendarmerie March), Gendarmerie Band
Karadeniz Marşı (Black Sea March)
Maltepe Askeri Lisesi (Maltepe Military High School March)
Mayın Filosu (Mining Fleet March)
Nizam Karakolu Marşı (Commander of the Guard March)
Onuncu Yıl Marşı (10th Anniversary March)
Plevne Marşı (Plevne March)
Silahlı Kuvvetler Marşı (Armed Forces March)
Yavuz Geliyor Yavuz (The Resolute One is Coming)
Yüce Harbiyelim (O My War Academy Student)