Updated Systems 0.7 for Stellaris

Updated Systems 0.7 for Stellaris
Mod that adds more planets and moons to most systems, even starter ones
Tired of those 1-5 planet small systems? Say no more.
1.5.* compatible
Leviathans and Utopia compatible
By the way, I recommend to play maps of half size of your favourite because of lags. Less stars, more planets.
Now it is pretty common to have a system with +10 minerals or +15 science points.
Now having a frontier outpost in the middle of 8 resource-rich system has really strategic importance.
Also bigger systems mean more time to fly through them from one end to another. By other words, you can use your tactics more accurately.
Leviathans DLC systems remain unchanged
Utopia DLC systems changed a bit
Known issues:
Spawning of all mobs properly (space whales, voidclouds, shards and other pew pew stuff) is not guaranted.
In extra large systems (+20 planets) may be not possible to build wormhole stations. I didn’t fix it due to the fact LOT of mods change the same file (where is the maximum distance of wormhole station) so to keep a better compatability with other mods.