Worthy Ascension Perks

Worthy Ascension Perks
Stellaris: 3.0.*
Ah, Ascension Perks. Your rewards for finishing entire traditions trees, “defining characteristics that emerge as a product of the socio-cultural evolution represented by the Traditions intertwining with the empire’s identity” (wiki).
They’re a pretty big deal. Or at least, they should be.
It’s pretty common knowledge that not all ascension perks are created equal. Some are extremely valuable, while others are… there… if you ever need them for something.
Let’s be honest, we only have so many slots for Ascension Perks, so we should be using them to the maximum. But some of them are not worth picking, let alone considering. So I made them!
I present to you… Worthy Ascension Perks!
Making those neglected Ascension Perks worth your time!
Eternal Vigilance
I’m watching you…
– Defense Platforms changed from +5 to +10
– (NEW!) Defense Platform Damage +25%
Executive Vigor
Do as I say, and do it now!
– Edict Capacity changed from +2 to +4
– (NEW!) Edict Cost -25%
Imperial Prerogative
Our Empire knows no bounds.
– (NEW!) Empire Sprawl from pops -15%
– (NEW!) Empire Sprawl from districts -10%
Interstellar Dominion
Claims! Claims everywhere!
– Claim Influence Cost changed from -20% to -30%
– Starbase Influence Cost changed from -20% to -30%
Mastery of Nature
Nature will no longer stand in the way of progress!
– Clear Blocker Cost changed from -33% to -50%
– (NEW!) Clear Blocker Time -50%
– (NEW!) Adds all clear blocker technologies as research options
One Vision
We are many, but we are one.
– Monthly Unity changed from +10% to +20%
Grasp the Void
Like, REALLY grasp it.
– Starbase Capacity changed from +5 to +10
– (NEW!) Starbase Upgrade Cost -25%
– (NEW!) Starbase Building Cost -25%
– (NEW!) Starbase Module Cost -25%
World Shaper
Never worry about habitability again.
– Terraforming Cost changed from -25% to -50%
– (NEW!) Terraforming Speed +25%
Galactic Force Projection
Its glory days are not over.
– Fleet Command Limit changed from +20 to +40
– Naval Capacity changed from +80 to +120
– (NEW!) Ship Build Speed +15%
– (NEW!) Ship Build Cost -20%
– (NEW!) Ship Upkeep -25%
If you think a Ascension Perk is too overpowered, let me know!
If you think a Ascension Perk is still unworthy, let me know!
If you have any ideas for any Ascension Perks, let me know!
We have a discussion open to talk about them in detail, so avoid cluttering the comments!
Mod and its updates are save-game compatible (you don’t need to start a new game to use it).
Compatibility with NSC2 is already included. NSC2 is not required.